Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Spiritual Conversations

On Monday night I had a spiritual conversation about Christ with my friend Andy.  For the past two years I have played on a German Basketball team and though Andy is not on my team, he practices against us each week.  There is nothing like 2 men sweating after 5 games of pickup ball and talk about Jesus.  From time to time Basketball has given me opportunities to share who I am and why I am in Germany.  Andy was quite interested in my view of Christ and how my relationship with him has changed who I am.  But I experienced what happens often here when I have spiritual conversations.

There is so much disconnect in the minds of postmoderns when you talk about Jesus and getting to the truth is so difficult when they think truth cannot really be known.  I should not be surprised and amazed at their view, but I have to admit, I was again.  It is overwhelming to see the incredible lostness of Europe and the power of darkness that pervades the minds of unbelievers here.  When I asked Andy about his view of God, he said, "Who is God, who is to say who God is, God is power I think."  That is as far as he could go.  When I tried to get him to think in terms of the personal nature of God's love - Complete disconnect.

What should one do with the Andy's of the world?  Obviously, the spiritual answer is prayer, but there is really another thing that is more effective with postmoderns who have no idea of the personal nature of God - You live your passion for God before them.  Through the incarnational life they can see, taste, and observe that Christ impacts a life in its daily experience.  

This is why the whores, tax collectors, etc. loved to be around Jesus.  He lived his passion for God and it really was attractive to those who did not know him.  They did not feel uncomfortable around him.  What does it say about us, that the lost of our culture do not want to be around us?  Impacting the world happens when passionate people for the greatness of Christ live in joy before non-believers.



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