At around 10:15 tonight, I was going through some boxes I brought back from Waco several weeks ago from my parents house. In one of the boxes are a series of books that are sermon compilations from the 1920's. I started glancing through them and was reminded of something in my garage. The last 3 weeks have been tough for me, as I am having to work a full time job to make ends meet as we start the church. With my commute and the hours worked, well, let's just say that many hours are being logged and they are not in the area of my calling and gifting. I so want to work full-time at the church, but we are simply not there yet. I don't know how it is with you, but when we find ourselves in a different place that is really stretching us, it is good to get reminders of what Christ's purposes for us are. I needed one and got it. It was nothing magical and no bells went off in the garage, just the booming voice of God in my heart as I read the pages of one of those books. In 1926, the 2nd president of Southwestern Seminary, L.R. Scarborough, wrote these words:
"The preaching of the gospel is probably the most potent factor in human society, aside from the immediate hand of God. The voice of the preacher is heard around the world in every circle or uplifting life. The proclamation of the Good News by faithful preachers is the mightiest human power aided by divine strength against sin, for righteousness and world betterment. The preacher is God's key-man in the saving agencies of this world. He is needed today as never before. His office rightly filled outrules kings and outwars armies. The force or program that corners or belittles gospel preaching is the enemy of God and man. Any power that furthers good preaching is God'sagency for bringing in the universal rule of righteousness."For me, these words serve as a reminder of the calling upon all of our lives to be the people who herald the gospel story to a lost world. I was reminded tonight, in my garage that there is a call upon my life that is bigger than me and that I must, above all things, embrace the truth of God and be a passionate pursuer and proclaimer of his glory.
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