Thursday, September 26, 2013

What We Leave Behind

I have been thinking much lately about the kind of legacy we will leave behind.  We will all leave one no matter how we lived.  I have been struck at looking at the line of Adam through Seth and how in this line, there were men who lived God-centered and God passioned lives.  In this line of Godly men were these:
Seth - Who when Enosh was born, there was an awakening at that time, most likely led by Seth where people began to call upon the name of the Lord
Enoch - Walked with God in such a way that he was simply taken from this earth and did not taste death.
Lamech - Noah's father who understood that God has cursed the ground and that in his new born son, God was going to bring about something new.
Noah - found favor in God's eyes, took God at His word, walked with God, was righteous and blameless, was the only one alive to God in his generation.

What a line.  We have a responsibility to leave a legacy of Christ-followers.  Are you on the journey?

This is from my favorite 20th century Christ-follower:


Monday, September 23, 2013

A Shout Out to My Wife

Though my wife never wants to be recognized.  I wanted to do it today in this blog.  I love and appreciate you more than you know.  We've been doing ministry over 25 years together now and you're the best.  Thanks.

I did not write this, but thanks Joe, though I don't know you.

Why the Pastor’s Wife is the MOST Vulnerable Person in Your Church

We’re all vulnerable.
Everyone who walks in the church door can be helped or hurt in what happens during the next hour. Whether saint or sinner, preacher or pew-sitter, oldtimer or newcomer, child or geezer, everyone is vulnerable, and should be treated respectfully, faithfully, carefully.
No one in the church family is more vulnerable than the pastor’s wife.
She is the key figure in the life of the pastor and plays the biggest role in his success or failure. (Note: I am fully aware that in some churches the pastor is a woman. In such cases, what follows would hardly pertain to her household.)
And yet, many churches treat her as an unpaid employee, an uncalled assistant pastor, an always-available office volunteer, a biblical expert and a psychological whiz.
She is almost always a reliable helper as well as an under-appreciated servant.
You might not think so, but she is the most vulnerable person in the building. That is to say, she is the single most likely person to become the victim of malicious gossip, sneaky innuendo, impossible expectations and pastoral frustrations.
The pastor’s wife can be hurt in a hundred ways—through attacks on her husband, her children, herself. Her pain is magnified by one great reality: She cannot fight back.
She cannot give a certain member a piece of her mind for criticizing the pastor’s children, cannot straighten out the deacon who is making life miserable for her husband, cannot stand up to the finance committee who, once again, failed to approve a needed raise, or the building and grounds committee that postponed repair work on the pastorium.
She has to take it in silence, most of the time.
It takes the best Christian in the church to be a pastor’s wife and pull it off. And that’s the problem: In most cases, she’s pretty much the same kind of Christian as everyone else. When the enemy attacks, she bleeds.
The pastor’s wife has no say-so in how the church is run and receives no pay, yet she has a lot to do with whether her husband gets called to that church and succeeds once he arrives.
That’s why I counsel pastors to include with their resume a photo of their family. The search committee will want to see the entire family, particularly the pastor’s wife, and will try to envision whether they would “fit” in “our” church.
The pastor’s wife occupies no official position, was not the object of a church vote, and gives no regular reports to the congregation on anything. And yet, no one person in the church is more influential in making the pastor a success—or a resounding failure—than she.
She is the object of a world of expectations …
She is expected to dress modestly and attractively, well enough but not overly ornate.
She is expected to be the perfect mother, raising disciplined children who are models of well-behaved offspring for the other families, to be her husband’s biggest supporter and prayer warrior, and to attend all the church functions faithfully and, of course, bring a great casserole.
Since her husband is subject to being called away from home at all hours, she is expected to understand this and have worked it out with the Lord from the time of her marriage—if not from the moment of her salvation—and to have no problem with it. If she complains about his being called out, she can expect no sympathy from the members. If she does voice her frustrations, what she hears is, “This is why we pay him the big salary,” and “Well, you married a preacher; what did you expect?”
She is expected to run her household well on the limited funds the church can pay and keep her family looking like a million bucks.
And those are just for starters!
The pastor’s children likewise suffer in silence as they share their daddy with hundreds of church members, each of whom feel they own a piece of him, and can do little about it. (But, that’s another article.)
What we owe to the pastor’s wife …
1. We owe her the right to be herself.                                                                                                  She is our sister in Christ and accountable to Him.
My wife was blessed to have followed pastors’ wives who cut their own path. So, in some churches, Margaret taught Sunday School and came to the woman’s missionary meetings. In other churches, she directed the drama team and ran television cameras. A few times, she held weekday jobs while raising three pretty terrific kids.
And, as far as I know, the churches were always supportive and understanding. We were blessed.
Allow the pastor’s wife to serve in whatever areas she’s gifted in. Allow her to try different things, and to grow. But do not put your expectations on her, if at all possible.
Do not try to tell her how to raise her children. Do not try to get to her husband through her with your messages or (ahem) helpful suggestions.
2. We owe her our love and gratitude.                                                                                              She has a one-of-a-kind role in the congregation which makes her essential to the church’s well-being.
Recently, as I was finishing a weekend of ministry at a church in central Alabama, and about to drive the 300 miles back home, a member said, “Please thank your wife for sharing you with us this weekend. I know your leaving is hard on her.”
How sensitive—and how true, I thought. That person had no idea that my wife underwent surgery two weeks earlier and I had been her nurse ever since, and that in my absence, my son and his family were taking care of her, and that I was now about to rush home to relieve them.
Church members have no clue—and no way of knowing—regarding the pressures inside the pastor’s family, and should not investigate to find out.
What they should do is love the wife and children and show them appreciation at every opportunity.
3. We owe her our love and prayers.                                                                                               While the Father alone knows her heart, the pastor may be the only human who knows her burdens.
Pray for her by name on a regular basis. Then, leave it to the Lord to answer those prayers however He chooses.
If we believe that the Living God is our Lord and Savior and that He hears our prayers, we should be lifting to Him these whose lives are given in service for Him.
Ask the Father for His protection upon the pastor’s wife and children—for their health, for their safety from all harm, and for Him to shield them from evil people.
Pray for His provisions for all their needs, and for the church to do well in providing for them.
Pray for the pastor’s relationship with his wife. If their private life is healthy, the congregation’s shepherd is far better prepared for everything he will be asked to do.
4. We owe her our responsible care.                                                                                               What does she need?
Do they need a babysitter for a date night? Do they need some finances for an upcoming trip? If they are attending the state assembly or the annual meeting of the denomination, are the funds provided by the church budget adequate or do they need more? Is the wife going with the pastor? (She should be encouraged to do so, if possible.)
Ask the Holy Spirit what the pastor’s wife (and/or the pastor’s entire family) needs, and if it’s something you can do, do it. If it’s too huge, rally the troops.
5. We owe it to the pastor and his wife to speak up.                                                                    Sometimes, they need a friend to take their side.
If your pastor’s wife has a ministry in the church, look for people to criticize her for a) dominating others, b) neglecting her home, or c) running the whole show. To some, she cannot do anything right.
You be the one to voice appreciation for her talents and abilities, her love for the Lord and her particular skills that make this ministry work.
Imagine yourself standing in a church business meeting to mention something the pastor’s wife did that blessed someone, that made a difference, that glorified the Lord.
Imagine yourself planning in advance what you will say, asking the moderator (who is frequently the pastor) for a moment for “a personal privilege,” without telling him in advance. 
And, imagine yourself informing a couple of your best friends what you are planning to do, so they can be prepared to stand up “spontaneously” and begin the ovation. (Hey, sometimes our people have to be taught to do these things!)
The typical reaction most church members give when someone is criticizing the pastor’s wife is silence. But you speak up. Take up for her.
Praise God for her willingness to get involved, to not sit at home in silence, but to support her husband and bless the church.
 6. We owe them protection for the pastor’s off-days and vacations.                                               After my third pastorate, I joined the staff of the great First Baptist Church of Jackson, Mississippi, and quickly made an outstanding discovery. The personnel policies stipulated that the church office would be closed on Saturdays and the ministers were expected to enjoy the day with their families.
Furthermore, when the church gave a minister several weeks of vacation, it was understood at least two full weeks of it would be spent with the family in rest and recreation and not in ministry somewhere. As one who took off-days reluctantly and would not allow myself to relax and rest during vacations, I needed this to be spelled out in official policy.
When a pastor is being interviewed for the position and when he is new, he should make plain that his off-days are sacred. The ministerial and office staffs can see that he is protected.
The lay leadership can make sure the congregation knows this time is just as holy to the Lord as the time he spends in the office, the hospitals or even the pulpit.
7. We owe them the same thing we owe the Lord: faithful obedience to Christ.
Pastors will tell you in a heartbeat that the best gift anyone can give them is just to live the Christian life faithfully. 
When our members do that—when they live like Jesus and strive to know Him better, to love one another, to pray and give and serve—ten thousand problems in relationships disappear.
Finally, a word to the pastor’s wife …
It’s my observation that most wives of ministers feel inadequate. They want to do the right thing, to manage their households well and support their husbands, keep a clean house, sometimes accompany him on his ministries, and such, but there are only so many hours in a day and so much strength in this young woman. She feels guilty for being tired, and worries that she is inadequate.
The Apostle Paul may have had pastors’ wives in mind when he said, “Not that we are adequate to think anything of ourselves, but our adequacy is of God” (2 Corinthians 3:5).
We are inadequate. None of us is worthy or capable of this incredible calling from God.
We must abide in Him or nothing about our lives will go right.
One thing more, pastor’s wife: Find other wives of ministers and encourage them. The young ones in particular have a hard time of it, with the children, the young husband, the demanding congregation and sometimes, Lord help us, even an outside job.
Invite a couple of these women for tea or coffee. Have no agenda other than getting to know one another.
See what happens.  

After five years as Director of Missions for the 100 Southern Baptist churches of metro New Orleans, Joe retired on June 1, 2009. These days, he has an office at the First Baptist Church of Kenner where he's working on three books, and he's trying to accept every speaking/preaching invitation that comes his way. He loves to do revivals, prayer conferences, deacon training, leadership banquets, and such. Usually, he's working on some cartooning project for the denomination or some agency.
More from Joe McKeever or visit Joe at

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Jesus and His Primacy of the Word

This morning, I had an insightful time in John 8 and was reminded of the importance that Jesus himself placed on the scriptures.  As Lifepointe is walking through the gospel of John together, our focus for this week is making sure that we dive and dig deep in the truths of the Holy Scriptures. Over the last several months, much of the focus of my time in the word has been to see all that the Bible reveals to us in regard to keeping the scripture at the forefront of our lives.  It should not be surprising to any of us that the Word of God calls us to keep the Words of God central to our life.  The word is where we see Christ and get to know Him more intimately.  It is also the foundation from which we worship Him.  Therefore, the Bible must be the sustenance of our daily existence.  I am reminded of Jesus words from several weeks ago in John 4.
Meanwhile the disciples were urging him, saying, “Rabbi, eat.” But he said to them, 
“I have food to eat that you do not know about.” So the disciples said to one another, 
“Has anyone brought him something to eat?” Jesus said to them, 
“My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to accomplish his work.
(John 4:31-34 ESV)
Jesus food was to do the will of the Father and to accomplish his work. This included for Jesus, embracing all that the Father said and did.  Those 2 things are what fed Jesus while he was here on earth.

As I came to John 8 today, my heart awakened more to the necessity of scripture in my life.  Here is what Jesus said in John 8 in regard to the Words of God.  It is my prayer that these words become my passion and the breath of your life.

John 8 and the Word

Jesus Focus of Ministry was Teaching                                                    
John 8:20  These words he spoke in the treasury, as he taught in the temple; but no one arrested him, because his hour had not yet come.

Abiding in His word gives evidence as to who we are                           
John 8:31  So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, Abiding in His word is once again the call.  Jesus wants us to abide in His word as life in found only in him.

His Word must find a place in me                                                                 
John 8:37  I know that you are offspring of Abraham; yet you seek to kill me because my word finds no place in you.

When I understand His word, then I will bear His word                      
John 8:43  Why do you not understand what I say? It is because you cannot bear to hear my word.

Those Who are of Him, hear His words                                                      
John 8:47  Whoever is of God hears the words of God. The reason why you do not hear them is that you are not of God.”

Keeping His word keeps me from death                                                       
John 8:51  Truly, truly, I say to you, if anyone keeps my word, he will never see death.”
52  The Jews said to him, “Now we know that you have a demon! Abraham died, as did the prophets, yet you say, ‘If anyone keeps my word, he will never taste death.’

Keeping the Word was the Jesus practice                                                         
John 8:55  But you have not known him. I know him. If I were to say that I do not know him, I would be a liar like you, but I do know him and I keep his word.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Puritan Prayer

Puritan Prayer

I thank thee for the Holy Scriptures, their precepts, promises, directions, and light.

In them may I learn more of Christ, be enabled to retain his truth and have grace to follow it.

Help me to lift up the gates of my soul that He may come in and show me Himself when I search the Scriptures, for I have no lines to fathom its depths, no wings to soar to its heights.

By His aid may I be enabled to explore all its truths, love them with all my heart, embrace them with all my power, and engraft them into my life.

Bless to my soul all grains of truth garnered from thy Word; may they take deep root, be refreshed by heavenly dew, be ripened by heavenly rays, be harvested to my joy and thy praise.

Help me to gain profit by what I read, as treasure beyond all treasure, a fountain which can replenish my dry heart, its water flowing through me as a perennial river on-drawn by thy Holy Spirit.

Enable me to distil from its pages faithful prayer that grasps the arm of thy omnipotence, achieves wonders, obtains blessing, and draws down streams of mercy.

From it show me how my words have often been unfaithful to thee, injurious to my fellow men, empty of grace, full of folly, dishonoring to my calling.

Then write thy own words upon my heart and inscribe them on my lips; So shall all glory be to thee in my reading of thy Word!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Who Is Speaking in Your Head?

Context of 1 Samuel 17.
A couple of weeks ago, we took a break from Hebrews to look at the faith of David as he faced Goliath.  Here is a brief summary up until the critical point of my blog post today.  Israel and the Philistine army had gathered for battle about 12 miles from Bethlehem.  One day, a giant named Goliath, an undefeated champion, stepped forth with a proposition for the Israelite army:  "One of you come forward to fight me and if you win, we become your slaves, and if I defeat you, you will become your slaves."  For 40 days, two times a day, the challenge goes unmet.  The Israelite Army is defeated by Goliath's words and all they feel is fear.  No one is motivated enough, courageous enough or burdened enough to stand for God and his people.  

On day 41, David arrives with some bread and cheese just as the army is going out to battle.  David leaves the cheese and bread with someone and runs to the battle line to see what will happen.  Goliath comes forth, shouts his defiance and then the Israelite army runs away.  David is shocked and seeks to find out more information in regard to what is going on with Goliath.  As he is talking with the men, this happens:  1 Samuel 17:28 Now Eliab his eldest brother heard when he spoke to the men. And Eliab's anger was kindled against David, and he said, “Why have you come down? And with whom have you left those few sheep in the wilderness? I know your presumption and the evil of your heart, for you have come down to see the battle.” 29 And David said, “What have I done now? Was it not but a word?” 30 And he turned away from him toward another, and spoke in the same way, and the people answered him again as before.  
David's brother speaks condemnation to him, questions his heart and motives.  Words do matter from others, but David decides to ignore and not let them shape him, a great principal we all need to follow.

A second instance happens just moments after David's encounter with his brother and this one happens in King Saul's presence.  Here is this encounter: 1 Samuel 17:31 When the words that David spoke were heard, they repeated them before Saul, and he sent for him. 32 And David said to Saul, “Let no man's heart fail because of him. Your servant will go and fight with this Philistine.” 33 And Saul said to David, “You are not able to go against this Philistine to fight with him, for you are but a youth, and he has been a man of war from his youth.”
Now, it is King Saul who speaks words into David's life.  You are to young, to inexperienced, Goliath is to great, etc.  What will David do?  Will he let the King's words shape him?

Two times in a matter of minutes, David is told his motives are evil and that he is to young and inexperienced.  So the question must be asked, "Whose voice will we allow to speak in our head?"  2 people, older than him are telling him that he cannot accomplish what is in his heart.  He has heard the words but he must decide if they will shape him and determine the course of his life.  Which voice will he adhere to and allow to fill his mind - God's or Man's.  Every day we are faced with this choice.

We can all relate to this.  We get an email, we see something on Facebook, we get a letter in the mail, someone is harsh in our presence, a boss ridicules, a parent says we are stupid.  It goes on and on.  Whose voice will we let in?  Will we let them determine our course

We cannot let the anger, doubt, lack of vision, and insecurities of others shape our lives.  Do not let them into our head.  They will not lead us to Jesus - ever - that is why we should not listen to them.

David heard God on this day.  His fear was of God, not man.

Later in his life, David would write this: Psalm 119:32 "I will run in the way of your commandments when you enlarge my heart!"  Our hearts will never be enlarged, nor will we run in the way of God's commandments when other voices shape us.

Let God's word shape us and fill our minds!