Wednesday, January 5, 2011

When Faith Deepens...

In these recent days the subject of "Depth", "Deepening" or "Deep" has been at the center of many of the conversations I have had. Much of them have come from men that I know who have grown weary of lives that seem shallow and lifeless. This same desire and longing for more has been stirring in my heart. I have some thoughts that have risen to the top concerning the longing for more.

Q: What happens when faith deepens in a person or in a church? What results manifest? Here are a few thoughts:
1. There is an embracing and enjoyment of deep and challenging teaching.
When spiritual depth plants itself in a seeking heart, that heart wants the sharpness of God's shovel to move through the rock and clay that may be there. We welcome the pain or breaking of our heart because we know it means more of His presence being established in us. Run from a church that does not offer challenging teaching.
2. There is a brokenness over sin and a hatred of it.
Biblical holiness always results in a brokenness and hatred of those things that God himself despises. Again, this comes about from the teaching of the Word of God as it is.
3. There is a moving beyond self-focused faith to an others focused faith.
Knowing God in depth means that we are making less and less of ourselves and that naturally opens our eyes to those around us, both those in the faith family and those outside of it. Nothing is more crushing to a faith family than faith that centers on self and not the Spirit.
4. There is an outpouring of the Spirit's power.
There is no better place to be than where the Spirit is moving in the hearts of holy men and women.

Churches that do not focus on depth find themselves only finding and teaching truth that makes us feel good about things. There is no focus on shaking up our lives to holiness, but making sure our injured souls get enough comfort to make it through the day. We are called to so much more than that. We are called to live a life that is much much bigger than our selfish interests. We should abandon any church where depth of faith is not valued, where there is never any brokenness of sin or where it is taught that faith means you just focus on yourself.

May depth be the sincere cry our our heart.

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