Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Are We Grateful as American Evangelicals?

I just taught on the Disicple's Prayer in Matthew 6 and when I came to this phrase, "Give us this day our daily bread", I had to pause and really think through this and ask myself this question: Do we as American evangelicals understand what to do with instruction to pray about asking for daily bread? I thought much about whether I have ever prayed a prayer in this manner and honestly, I never have.
I imagine that most of us could right now go look into our pantries and refrigerators and freezers and see that we have enough food to make it for at least a week. Though we would not necessarily eat what we might fully like or want for that meal, we would at least have enough food to make it with some creativity. Again, I ask the question, "Do we even have a clue what the reality of this part of the prayer really means?" I think we don' really get it mainly for this reason - we complain to much about the food we have and we are never really satisfied with the quality and amounts. You cannot be grateful when complaining and dissatisfaction is involved.
So what do we do since we have so much and don't have to ask for our daily bread when we have about a week's worth tucked away in safe places? We should be so humbled by God's graciousness and goodness of His provision unto us. His bountiful gift should lead us to worship. I think it says a lot about us that we complain at restaurants about our food or even if we have to miss a meal. The fact that we have money to go out and eat should move us to worship.
Can you fathom what someone from the slums in India or someone from Afghanistan would think if we took them to Chili's and spent our time complaining about the temperature of the food, the air temperature of the room, the location of our table, the quality of our Dr. Pepper, or how frequent our waiter came to the table? The reality that we can go to Chili's should lead us to humbly praise Him.
As you go into your pantry today and sit around a table with your family, truly thank Him for His goodness.

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