Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Gospel of the Bible Belt

Having been back from Western Europe for 3 years where I had clearly seen the results of rejecting the gospel outright and what that rejection has brought upon a continent, I have in these 3 years back seen another rejection that is having devastating effects upon this land. Whether the gospel is rejected outright or twisted in falsehood, if it is not truth, then it is not the gospel.

Here is the heart of the gospel in 2 Corinthians 5:21: For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.

God alone has done this work on our behalf and there is no other act or truth on earth that will free our souls than the reality that Christ became sin on our behalf so that we can become the righteousness of God. This is the heart of the gospel. Those who are undeserving and enemies of the gospel have, through Christ, become the very righteousness of God. Wow!!

In the south though, in the heart of the Bible Belt, we have twisted the greatest story into something else. Since I have been back and began observing those who claim to be Christ-Followers, I have seen and heard what I call the gospel of the Bible Belt. There are 4 pillars of this false gospel. The gospel is about Jesus period. It is the story of his life, work, death, and resurrected life. It is not about anything else.

The Gospel of the Bible Belt
1. Jesus plus something else.
Though we claim it is all about Jesus, Christians still seem to live as if there must be more that we need than him. The plus consists of things like this, Jesus + church attendance, good works, money, status, blessings, etc. etc.

2. Salvation = Fire Insurance.
The gospel of the south has unfortunately reduced the great and grand story of the gospel to only avoiding going to hell. While that is definitely to be avoided, seeing the gospel as only Fire Insurance fails to lead us to see that salvation means knowing Christ deeply here. Salvation is now and in the future and it is knowing Christ. It is not just avoiding another destination.

3. The Gospel is simply behavior modification.
Far to many here spend so much energy trying to look the part over actually living the life. We have gotten to a place where we think changing outward behavior is transformational, that is only modifying behavior, not transforming our heart. Following Christ is an inward to outward relationship, not an outward to inward relationship. It is backwards here in the south. The reason so many of us here are so tired is that our faith has gotten to the place where it is all about trying really hard to maintain a behavior, not deepening a loving relationship. It is in a loving relationship where we come alive in all that He is.

4. Jesus is about me, therefore I am entitled.
The narcissistic nature of our culture has infiltrated the church where we have reduced the gospel of Jesus love to mean that we are the center, not His glory. Though Christ so wants to pour out blessing upon us and does pour out his blessing, he does so that he gets the glory in all things. Our faith is not about our gain, but his glory. Our faith also must be about community over individuals. The word church also carries the idea of us, not me. If Jesus is about me and my desires, then I am entitled to certain things. I have found that it is from this view of entitlement that leads to the pervasive expression of pettiness that grips far to many Christians in the Western World.

These things are contributing to the church in the USA being so out of step about what real faith is and we must get back to it being about the Lord Jesus.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Amen! (fist pump). It is so refreshing to read your views although that is why I enjoy you as a pastor. You are amongst a small number who are nothing more than a shepherd and coach. Not intent on changing us, but leading us into what we already have before us. Gods word and our true desire to know Christ and emulate him is what encourages change within us. Thank you for the time you take to journal :)