Saturday, July 5, 2008

Kevin Kuranyi and Jesus

Today, I went to the airport to make our reservations to stay in a hotel for our last 3 nights. I also, being that close to the airport Starbucks, needed to go see how the workers were doing.  They were doing okay and gave me a Cafe Americano for about 4 Euro because I was so nice.  That was so nice of them.  As I left Starbucks was going down the escalator, I was in my own world and then as I got focus again, I found myself looking into the face of my favorite German soccer player on my favorite team, Kevin Kuranyi.  I am not a crazy fan of sports guys, but it was an unexpected and cool moment and was about to say something to him and then he looked at me and we simply nodded to each other. Right there before my favorite player and I didn't say anything, ask for an autograph or follow him around and see what he was up to.  I just kept going.                                                                                                                                           We experience this with God as well.  There we are going through our lives and we look up and there is God. He is speaking to us through his creation, His Word, a friend, through prayer or a sermon, etc.  We are in his presence, see him, and instead of treasuring the moments, we move on and we do not linger more in his presence.  I know that even if I had wanted to talk to Kevin Kuranyi, he would not have as he was on his way somewhere.  It is not so with God when we are in his presence.  He is not going anywhere but where we are.  It is his desire to be with us as he is not going anywhere but where we are.  He does not give us the nod, but maybe we give him the nod to often and miss out on potential significant moments with Him.
There is one verse in Exodus 33 that speaks of this aspect in our relationship with God.  Here is the verse:  "Thus the Lord used to speak to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to a friend.  When Moses turned again into the camp, his assistant Joshua the son of Nun, a young man, would not depart from the tent." (Exodus 33:11). Joshua did not want to leave the presence of God, but we take the time to linger and reflect on most likely what he heard in the tent.  Have you been there?  Where you have experienced him  and want to stay and reflect upon that experience. We must avoid giving God the "Nod" and make sure that we desire to spend significant moments with the most famous person in the world.

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